Projects & Initiatives

Comprehensive Community Plan
Congratulations Kitselas! The CCP Project Team is pleased to announce the successful completion and adoption of the Nation’s first Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The complete plan and additional background documents are now available for the community to view. The plan, driven by and supported by Members, is the next step on the path to self-governance, showcasing who we are, what we stand for, and how we will get there. This project would not have been possible without the dedication of Members, Staff, and Chief and Council.

CCP Short Film
In honor of this great achievement and to recognize the many community members who shared their input through the CCP process, the Project Team has put together a short film highlighting our community values and the importance of the Comprehensive Community Plan.
To view the Film, please click the video below:
What is a Comprehensive Community Plan?
A Comprehensive Community Plan is an important tool on the road to self-governance and building capacity in First Nations communities.
Comprehensive Community Planning is a process that engages community members in planning a holistic long-term vision for the community. As each community requires a unique approach to planning, it can help us make a positive difference in addressing our specific challenges and opportunities as Kitselas First Nation.
For more information on what a CCP is and why it is important, view the CCP Fact Sheet below:
Want to learn more about the Kitselas CCP? Click on the links below:
Questions or thoughts about the CCP
Contact Geneva Mason, Kitselas Community Engagement Coordinator and CCP Project Manager at:
T: 250-635-5084
Or, track down one of the Kitselas CCP Champions:
Willy Bolton (Gitaus Resident)
Lloyd McDames, Sr. (Kulspai Resident)