Kitselas Health runs a variety of health clinics and community groups, based on the needs of Kitselas members. We offer chronic disease management and screening, and counselling referrals, as well as have a Nurse Practitioner, Toby Hilton available (by appointment) for family-doctor-type services. The department also offers community and home care services.
Kitselas Health has two locations: the Health Centre in the Administration Building in Gitaus, and the Health Satellite office in Kulspai.
Health Clinics
The Kitselas Health Department offers many FREE clinics.
To book an appointment in one of these clinics (for example, to see the nurse practitioner), call 250-635-5084 (ext 4086) and ask for the Health Assistant Amanda Low Or call 250-631-7659.
List of Clinics
Nurse Practitioner Clinics
Toby Hilton is the current Nurse Practioner and offers Offers family medical services, similar to going to see a family doctor such as prescriptions, X-rays, etc. Every Wednesday. Last appointment at 3pm. In Gitaus.
Call ahead to book an appointment with the Health Assistant to see the Nurse Practioner; there is a waitlist.
Immunization Clinics
For infant, toddler, school-aged and adult vaccines.
(No travel vaccines. Call your local pharmacy for these.)
Every Thursday. 11am to 2pm. In Gitaus
Call ahead to book an appointment.
Flu Clinic
For annual flu shot. From November to March. Available on set times on set days or call ahead to book an appointment.
Tooth Varnish Clinic
For infants and children up to age 6. Will perform oral exam and if necessary, apply a tooth protectant. Clinic is every three months. Health Department will inform community when clinic is coming. Clinic also visits Kitselas daycare and Head Start.
Mobile Diabetics Clinic
For people with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Health Department will inform community when clinic is coming. Services include:
- Full assessment for complications of diabetes including: eye exam, foot exam, kidney, liver and cholesterol testing and Hb A1c testing (glycated haemoglobin)
- State of the art retinal examination (without eye drops)
- Medication review
- Individual, same-day counselling and care planning with recommendations to your family doctor. Kitselas health staff for follow up.
- Same day results.
- No fasting required.
Mammogram and Pap Clinics
Every two years. For cancer prevention and awareness.
If you don’t find the clinic you are looking for, contact the Health Department. We will do our best to help you access the service you need.
Health Benefits
As of 2019, First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) benefits are now administered by Pacific Blue Cross.
This include dental, vision, and medical supplies & equipment plans.
This transitions requires no action from Kitselas members previously registered with FNHA.
- Your status number is your benefits membership number.
(It is important that every body gets their status card. Please register newborns as soon as possible.) - You have access to an app and website to download your member ID card and submit claims.
Plan Highlights - Dental, Vision, Medical Supplies & Equipment
Dental Plan Highlights
• More coverage for preventive services
• Crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, and onlays
• Less coverage criteria
• 2 exams and 2 cleanings per year
• White fillings
• Full and partial dentures
• Night guards
• Dental accidents
Vision Care Highlights
• No pre-approvals needed for eye exams and standard eyewear
There is a process to provide additional benefit coverage for clients with complex needs.
Medical Supplies & Equipment Plan Highlights
• Streamlined process for prior authorizations
• Faster claims processing for providers means supplies or equipment for clients are available faster
• Faster processing of client reimbursements
Your Benefits Member Profile
For more information on your First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) benefits, call 1-855-550-5454 or email Or go online at Or download the PBC mobile app.
Using your status number, create a Member Profile for convenient self-service. Through this service you can:
- Look up detailed coverage information
- Get reimbursed via direct deposit in as little as 48 hours
- Check your balance for your benefit
- Search for vision care providers who are registered with PBC
Drug Benefits
Most drug benefits will continue to be covered through PharmaCare Plan W.
Pacific Blue Cross, however, will administer some drug benefits – mainly for people who aren’t yet enrolled in Plan W. If this is you, please call 1.855.550.5454 to enroll in Plan W.
Community Health Groups
All Kiteslas Community Health Groups are FREE, and usually include a meal or a snack.
The goal of these groups is to build a healthier and more compassionate Kitselas community. The Health Department started some of these groups while others are community-driven.
Group schedules can be found on this webpage, in the Kitselas Newsletter, and/or in the News and Calendar sections of this website.
List of Community Health Groups
Parent Connection Group
Lead by Jada Seymour, Community Health Representative.
Every Wednesday
12noon to 2 pm
Gitaus Administration Building
Focus is on new and expectant parents but everyone welcome.
Includes a range of activities, discussions, speakers and presentations. Sample topics include parenting techniques, nutrition, physical health and activities.
Gitselasu Elders
First Tuesday of every month
Time: 5pm
Elders Centre in Gitaus
Kitselas Elders group based in Gitaus. Activities include field trips, wellness activities, fundraising, cooking, and more.
Organized by Kitselas Elder William Bolton.
Everyone welcome.
Every Thursday
12noon to 2pm
Satellite Health Station in Kulspai
Includes a range of activities, discussions, speakers and presentations with a focus on wellness and socializing. Members sometimes work in the community garden during the summer months.
Men’s Group
Every second Friday.
5pm to 9pm.
Gitaus Administration Building
For men ages 19+.
Activities and discussions are self-driven – the group decides – with a focus on comradery, reconnecting to culture and land-based activities.
Women’s Group – Coming Soon!
Home Care
The Home Care program provides FREE home care services to Kitselas members and Elders who require additional support at home. This includes:
- Home Care – for example, cooking, cleaning, laundry and personal care, etc.
- Nursing – for example, disease management and treatment, etc.
- Wellness Checks
We will visit you in your home to figure out your needs. Then will work with you to create a long-term care plan. If we are unable to meet all your needs, we will help you access the specialists or services you need – for example, a physiotherapist or occupational therapist. We will also help you get aids and supplies such as walkers, crutches, bath and toileting ads, etc.
To access home care services, contact the Home Care Support Worker.
Support for At-Risk Members
Jada Seymour, Kitselas’ Community Health Representative, is trained to support persons in the community at-risk – especially at risk of suicide. She is part of a First Nations Action and Support Team (FAST), which can respond to a crisis in a community and determine care plans. FAST is designed to complement services in the community.
Services for Children in Need
JORDAN’S PRINCIPLE supports substantive equality for First Nations children when accessing products, services and supports, such as:
- Education
- Mental health
- Medical Equipment
- Speech Therapy
- And more…
For more info
Go to FNHA website page about Jordan’s Principle
Phone 1-855-JP CHILD (1-855-572-4453)
TTY 1-866-553-0554
FREE Naloxone Kits
For overdoses. No questions asked.
Naloxone quickly reverses the effects of an overdose from opioids such as heroin, methadone, fentanyl and morphine. Free, take-home naloxone kits are available from the Kitselas community health nurse. The Community Nurse can deliver the kit or meet members in private, and give a brief teaching session of how the kits work. For more information about Naloxone and opioids, go to
Community Garden & Greenhouse
Garden boxes in Gitaus are available for community members to plant and grow food. Members can also apply for a Good Food Box where they receive fresh produce, vegetables, eggs, and other dry goods once a month – dropped off at their homes on reserve.
The Greenhouse and Community Garden program is part of Kitselas Health and run by Patsy Drummond.
Mental Wellness Counselling Coverage Through FNHA
Please see attached the Fact Sheet on Mental Wellness Counselling Coverage through FNHA. It included a step-by-step process for accessing services from external counselling providers. This information may come in handy as our community staff and members feel stressed and depleted during this time of uncertainty and isolation.
Please note that this coverage does include telehealth services! That means services can be covered for telephone or possibly computer sessions. Each provider of services will be able to inform you of their capacity for remote services.
As well, here is the link for more information on FNHA mental wellness benefits coverage:
Also, please see the listing for approved FNHA providers who can provide these services.
Contact the Health Department for more information about any of these programs or services. Or send a message directly to, Geri Inkster the Health Manager through the form below: